Bob Moore

The owner of Bob’s Sugarhouse and Past President of Maine Maple Producer’s Assn,. is affectionately known as “Sugar Bob” or “Mr. Sugar” around the Dover-Foxcroft area and even into New England,. He has been perfecting his sugar making skills since the late 40’s. His interest first peaked when he was “allowed” to help a neighbor drill a tap hole and carry pails of sweet sap.

Bob loves to tell how his neighbor would leave some of his sap pails out a while longer at the end of the season. He would gather the late season sap , haul it in a 10-gallon milk can on a little homemade wagon for a distance of about 1/2 mile, and then boil it for many hours in his mother’s largest cake pan until he arrived at results he labeled maple syrup.

Bob Moore

A fire in March 2001

After over a 1000 people visited for Maine Maple Sunday did not deter Sugar Bob from continuing with his passion.

With support from multitudes of community members, friends, relatives, neighbors, and sugarmakers around the New England area, the new sugarhouse arose from the ashes, bigger and better than before. These selfless acts of individuals and various groups were extremely heartwarming to Bob & Barb – a tribute to the caring area they live and work in acts of love which they will never forget! Today, Bob sports a 5×14 Revolution Evaporator, Steam-A-Way Unit, RO Machine, Antomatic Draw-Off and a vacuum system in one area of his 6000-tap system.

Up and down the Coast of Maine

Bob and Barb have traveled far and wide with their Maine Maple Syrup and Maple products – along with maintaining their retail shop and online shopping experience. They formerly belonged to Maine Artisans selling their products up and down the Coast of Maine featured in many co-ops and Gift Shops in Bar Harbor, Lincolnville Beach, Belgrade, Pemaquid, Belfast, Boothbay Harbor, Iselboro, Old Town, Monson, and several years in the Bangor Mall to mention a few…and then locally in Dover-Foxcroft at Will’s SNS, Mountain’s Community Market, FoxBrook Variety, and Bob’s Home and Garden.

They built and maintained a 32’ mobile sugarhouse

which allowed them to participate in the original National Folk Festival in Bangor along with a multitude of Agriculture Fairs for 20 or more years including Fryeburg, Windsor, Cumberland, Piscataquis Valley, and for 13 years in the Maine Building at the Big E in Springfield Ma. . From Presque Isle to Fryeburg and many locations in between, Bob and Barb promoted Maine Maple Syrup and maple products…making many friends all over the State and into New England.

After 35 years of marketing Bob’s Maine Maple Syrup and products throughout New England in these venues, they are now content to stay closer to home selling mainly from their retail shop, wholesale to area stores, and through their online shopping cart.


Bob's Sugarhouse
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine Maple Syrup
Maple Candy

The new sugarhouse

will stir nostalgic feelings as it resembles an old log cabin, with pine posts, open wood ceiling, pellet stove, tongue and groove panels on wall, and both the mantle and countertop are of authentic split logs. You will find it decorated with many pieces of old time equipment and furnishings that many of you will remember from your younger days.

We hope this will leave you with a glimpse of Bob himself , how his passion for the art of Sugaring began and has developed over the past 70 years. This snapshot should show you what a trip to Bob’s Sugarhouse can mean if you are fortunate enough to run across Sugar Bob in the store. Bob loves his trade, making maple syrup…and there is nothing he likes better than talking with customers about his season and the art of making Maine Maple Syrup. A trip to Bob’s would not be complete without a stop in the boiling room to take a peek at his sugaring equipment—especially the Revolution and Steam-A-Way Unit and listen to Bob spin his sweet tales.